Diagnostic Services and Tests, Lebanon

Average charges are estimates; your out-of-pocket expense will depend on your individual insurance coverage (such as co-insurance or deductibles).

If you have questions, please contact Patient Accounts Customer Service at 1-844-808-0730.

CT (computed tomography) scans

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Abdominal CT scan $3,505 $1,078 $4,583
Chest CT scan $2,759 $865 $3,624
Head CT scan $2,700 $865 $3,565
Pelvis CT scan $3,881 $1,056 $4,937
Pelvis CT scan with contrast $3,293 $1,056 $4,349
Sinus CT scan $2,700 $865 $3,565

Digestive, intestinal, and gastroenterology

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Colonoscopy screening $5,233 $3,216 $8,449
Colonoscopy with polyp removal $6,616 $6,787 $13,403
Endoscopy (upper gastrointestinal) $8,795 $3,757 $12,552
Endoscopy with biopsy (upper gastrointestinal) $9,289 $4,925 $14,214
Sigmoidoscopy (colon cancer screening test, with local anesthesia) $1,678 $1,126 $2,804

EKG (electrocardiogram), stress tests, and echocardiograms

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Echocardiogram, transthoracic, complete with color flow $3,586 $1,437 $5,023
Electrocardiogram (ECG) $281 $153 $434
Nuclear stress test $7,925 $2,896 $10,821
Stress test with echocardiogram (real-time image) $6,567 $3,469 $10,036

Lab tests

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Basic metabolic panel $83 N/A $83
Complete blood count (CBC) $81 N/A $81
Comprehensive metabolic panel $117 N/A $117
Glucose test $33 N/A $33
Hemoglobin A1c $55 N/A $55
Lipid profile $139 N/A $139
Pap test $265 N/A $265
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) $103 N/A $103
Routine blood draw $40 N/A $40
Strep test $155 N/A $155
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) $96 N/A $96
Urinalysis $154 N/A $154


Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Diagnostic mammogram with digitization and computer-aided detection (both breasts) $1,027 $342 $1,369
Screening mammogram with digitization and computer-aided detection (both breasts) $854 $289 $1,143

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Brain MRI, without contrast $6,815 $1,599 $8,414
Brain MRI, without contrast, followed by contrast $6,815 $1,599 $8,414
Cervical spine MRI $4,879 $1,270 $6,149
Knee MRI $4,700 $1,319 $6,019
Pelvis MRI $6,658 $1,572 $8,230
Spine MRI $4,624 $1,270 $5,894


Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
EEG, awake and asleep $2,423 $536 $2,959

PET (positron emission tomography) scans

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Whole body scan (PET) $10,707 $1,108 $11,815

Pregnancy and prenatal tests

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
ABO type (blood typing) $206 N/A $206
Fetal non-stress test $698 $278 $976
Obstetric ultrasound $1,403 $591 $1,994
Obstetric ultrasound - first trimester $1,043 $669 $1,712
Pregnancy test, urine $80 N/A $80
Pregnancy test, blood $86 N/A $86
Pregnancy ultrasound, after 1st trimester limited $775 $487 $1,262
Rh型 $220 N/A $220
Urine culture $170 N/A $170


Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Abdominal ultrasound, complete $1,649 $960 $2,609
Breast ultrasound, complete $840 $420 $1,260
Breast ultrasound, limited $840 $390 $1,230
Ultrasound, pelvis, complete $1,166 $549 $1,715
Vaginal ultrasound (not obstetric) $1065 $736 $1,801


Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Ankle X-ray (3+ views) $614 $161 $775
Bone density scan (DEXA scan) $736 $139 $875
Chest X-ray (single view) $518 $128 $646
Chest X-ray (2 views) $615 $170 $785
Foot X-ray (3 views) $549 $139 $688
Spine X-ray $499 $149 $648
Lumbar spine X-ray (2 or 3 views) $765 $191 $956